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Projects – Mega Myanmar Surveillance Co.,Ltd.


Over 500 Customers and Clients Have Satisfied To Our Solution

  1. Hotel Apex (Mandalay)
  2. Thiri Thitsar Hotel (Mandalay)
  3. Myat Nan Yone Hotel (Mandalay)
  4. Great Chan Hotel (Mandalay)
  5. Amayar Nadi Hotel (Mandalay)
  6. New Tiger Hotel (Mandalay)
  7. Tiger One Hotel (Mandalay)
  8. Golden City Light Hotel (Mandalay)
  9. G7 Hotel (Mandalay)
  10. Golden Dream Hotel (Mandalay)
  11. Power Hotel (Mandalay)
  12. Kyal Sin Hotel (Mandalay)
  13. Nadi Aung Hotel (Mandalay)
  14. Golden Throne Hotel (Mandalay)
  15. Nagar Hotel (Mandalay)
  16. Noble Hotel (Mandalay)
  17. Royal Hotel (Mandalay)
  18. Royal City Hotel (Mandalay)
  19. Royal Green Hotel (Pyin Oo Lwin)
  20. MIn Gyi Hotel (Kalay)
  21. Shin Hone Hotel (Kalay)
  22. Chin Taung Tan Hotel (Kalay)
  23. Ayar Myanmar Hotel (Pyaw Bwe)
  24. royal Emerald Hotel (Nyaung Oo)
  25. Wut Hmone Thit Hotel (Nyaung Oo)
  26. Innwa Hotel (Nyaung Oo)
  27. Nyaung Oo Than Te Hotel (Nyaung Oo)
  28. Zein Hotel (Nyaung Oo)
  29. Grand Innlae Hotel (Nyaung Shwe)
  30. Hotel Nyaung Shwe (Nyaung Shwe)
  31. Blue Vanda Hotel (Nyaung Shwe)
  32. La Yaung Thone Hotel (Nyaung Shwe)
  33. UTO Hotel (Taunggyi)
  34. Nan Htike Shwe Sin (Taunggyi)
  35. Sweet Cherry Hotel (Taunggyi) & Other OVer 500 Customers.